We are a carbon neutral company, dedicated to limiting our impact on the planet.
We are an all-woman, proudly South African company, and have made strides in the recent past to not only support other local industries but also to closely evaluate our supply chain's environmental practices.
We are focused on creating sustainably produced point of sale, advising our clients on the necessary requirements, and giving them the opportunity to follow through with all our sustainability objectives.
To this end we have designed a 100% sustainable point of sale range and have produced our inaugural sustainability report, which is aligned with the GRI standards (CORE) to the extent that they have been used to identify and shape information and to guide the reporting process.
We are a carbon neutral company, dedicated to limiting our impact on the planet.

Sustainability Report
Download the Sustainability Report for DP Shoppe (Pty) Ltd
The content in this sustainability report has been developed using globally recognised reporting practices and principles and is aligned with our strategic objectives.
This is our inaugural Sustainability Report and covers the period from 1 October 2020 to 1 October 2021. We will continue to report annually.